Teacher Ellen

In the Garden

Teacher Ellen
In the Garden

Hooray! We're going to the garden!

Watering the mother strawberries.

We work together as a team when we are in the garden. One person holds the sign, and the other person hammers it in.

It took a lot of digging to get the sunflower bed ready.

Look! Our kale has sprouted!

The Slug Pubs need taking care of now and then. We pour out the old beer, and any caterpillars, slugs or other creatures who have visited them, and then we pour in more beer.

Look how tall our peas are growing!

The Orcas brought their nature journals into the garden. These children sat in the bean tipi to draw and write.

We planted this tomato in the hoop house.

One day we did art in the garden.

First we drew something we had observed, then we painted it with watercolors.

More work in the sunflower bed.

We have green thumbs,

and are members of the Dirty Hands Club. Did you know digging in the dirt makes you msarter?

Finally the bed was ready for the sunflowers. We carefully planted each baby plant. We started these plants from seed in pots that we made out of newspaper.

This will be a big wall of mammoth sunflowers!

The Dolphins planted the beans around the bean titp.

Even the Penguins help in the garden!

Planting the Penguin class potatoes,

and then watering them.

One Dolphin family made our beautiful garden gate!

All of the classes made a mosaic pot. We planted four different kinds of mint in the pots. Mints will take over the garden, which is why we put them in pots instead of right into the garden soil.

These Orcas planted the tunnel with cucumber plants, and scarlet runner bean and climbing nasturtium seeds.

The seeds made a pattern: big scarlet runner bean (which are purple and pink, by the way...), and then two nasturtium seeds. We can hardly wait to see the plants grow over the tunnel!

The mosaic pots are heavy, so it took some teamwork to bring it to the garden.